Crime Alerts

The most current ECU critical news, announcements, and official statements will be posted on ECU Alert. There you will find valuable information such as instructions on how to download ECU Alert Pop-up Software, how to register your cell phone to receive emergency text messages, and various off-campus emergency numbers. These are dynamic ways to stay informed about crime activity on campus and in the surrounding areas.

For complete crime statistics, refer to SAFETY AND YOU, the definitive campus safety guide which serves as East Carolina University’s annual safety report.

If you wish to report a crime anonymously, call (252) 328-6215, or you can use the Report-a-Crime web page to make your report.

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are reminded of the following general safety precautions:

  • Never walk alone at night; always have a friend walk with you.
  • Use public walkways.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Stay in well lit areas.
  • Contact the ECU Police Department by using an Emergency Blue-Light Phone if you feel uncomfortable or see suspicious persons or activities.


Please share this information with others on campus. HELP FIGHT CRIME ON CAMPUS AND IN YOUR COMMUNITY!